Livestream Guidelines
Online Zoom class guidelines:
PLEASE NOTE that online classes are different from in-person sessions - I am unable to see posture details, and if something doesn’t feel right, come out of the pose. Take care of yourself.
Props are key in tailoring each pose to your body. Please have the following ready:
Yoga mat
At least one 6-foot yoga strap/belt
Blankets - these can be “yoga blankets,” throw blankets from around the house, or big beach towels. They shouldn’t be too squishy.
Chair - folding chairs are inexpensive and versatile props for yoga. If this isn’t accessible at home, a dining chair or something similar with a back will do just fine.
2 yoga bricks - preferably these are wooden/rigid, but foam bricks or thick books will work in a pinch.
Wall - if available, set up your mat near a wall.
Bolsters - yoga bolsters can come in handy for many poses. If you don’t own any, find a stiff pillow or couch cushion to have at the ready.
Check your lighting. I can’t see you if the lights are too dim or if you’re set up with a window behind you.
Work on getting your camera set up between hip-height and shoulder-height at a distance away from you so that I can see your entire mat & body in the majority of poses.
I will mute your microphones when class begins so there isn’t too much chatter. But if you have a question or concern in the middle of class, please unmute yourself.
If online classes are new to you, I encourage you to play around with Zoom before class.
Position the camera at least 6 feet away from your mat and angle the camera so I can see the majority of your body most of the time.
There are different “views” in Zoom. On the right of the screen you can toggle between “Gallery” and “Speaker.” Change the view to “Speaker” to see me demonstrating the poses.
The mute button is usually on the bottom left of the window. You are muted when there is a red diagonal line through it. Click this button if you’d like to toggle your mic on/off.

Frequently Asked questions
I recommend the following props at minimum for your home practice: Sticky mat, 1 strap/belt, 2 bricks, 4 blankets, 1 arm-less chair.
In addition, if you have the resources, I encourage you to use: wooden/rigid bricks, large round bolsters, backless folding chair, 2 washcloths (or scoliosis pads).
You can check with your local yoga studio, this local wood-prop maker or you can check out these online resources for any props you desire.
WHAT is Yoga?
Yoga comes from the word “Yuj,” which means to bind, join, attach, or yoke, and to direct and concentrate one’s attention on, to use, and apply. Activist and scholar, Mahadev Desai described yoga as “the yoking of all the powers of body, mind and soul to God; it means the disciplining of the intellect, the mind, the emotions, the will, which that Yoga presupposes; it means a poise of the soul which enables one to look at life in all its aspects evenly.”
In short, Yoga describes the entire practice, of which Asanas (postures) are only a fraction.
The second of the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali says, “yoga chitta vritti nirodha,” or “yoga is the suppression/cessation of the fluctuations of the mind.” Through the practice of asanas, breath-awareness, and other aspects of Yoga, we can quiet the chatter and find the essence of ourselves.
Can I do Yoga/Postures when I am Menstruating?
It’s generally advised not to do inversions such as Sirsasana (headstand), Adho Mukha Vrksasana (handstand), Salamba Sarvangasana (shoulderstand) where the head is lower than the heart as many teachers and practitioners feel that those poses impede the downward flow. Strong yoga twists may also be uncomfortable for some folks on their period. It really depends on the individual so listen to what your body tells you. Instead of inversions, try Supta Baddha Konasana (reclined bound angle pose) or Ardha Uttanasana (half forward fold) with support under the head. You can let me know at the beginning of class if you will not be inverting.